Hi Massimo,
We received the painting a few days ago. It looks fantastic!!!!! We are very happy with it and hope to return to your shop again in the next couple of years. Best wishes,
Natasha & Joe, Australia
The painting arrived!! We love it!!!!! And it arrived safely with no problems. Thank you for packing it so carefully. In actuality, there is a lot of red in the painting, and just so you know-- originally we had told your people in the gallery that we wanted purple instead of red. However, we love it very much and are very satisfied. It arrived yesterday and we already had it hung in our family room! It feels like it's alive-- living and breathing!! You are very talented and we are honored to have one of your paintings in our home. Thank you so very much. We love your work! Sincerely,
Susan and Michael , NY USA
received the painting Thursday and we absolutely love it! Thank you so much for the book; I took it to work and several of my coworkers wrote down your website. We have lived in southern California all of our lives but in the San Diego area just the last four years. We feel truly blessed to live here. Let us know when you will be here again. Thank you, Don & Sue,CA USA
Well, guess what, I received the painting today, but to my 1250 Broadway address instead of my wife's work address. At this point I'm just glad its hear.. My foot is almost better and in a stroke of luck i had driven my car into work today and will be able to take it home in the car and not drag it on a train. Thanks you so much I'm sure she is gonna love it Thanks again, we open it last night and we both loved it. We decided to place all 3 painting in our living room and set up a small gallery. haha Ciao. Hopefully we will see you in person. We hope to visit in the next couple of years John, NY, USA
Dear Massimo;
Great good luck!! Your painting just arrived this morning and it is FANTASTICO!! Since we leave for Germany tomorrow morning, the timing was perfect. When we return I will take pictures of our four Cruciani's in our house and email them to you. This one will likely go near our bed so we can wake up every morning and be reminded of Italy, Assisi and you. Thank you again for your beautiful work. Ciao from Encinitas,
Mike , CA USA
My husband and I are from South Dakota in the U.S. We visited Assisi in 2000 and found your beautiful store. We purchased one of you hand painted poppy fields and you sent it to us. It amazes me that it arrived perfectly intact. Your framed glass poppy field continues to draw appreciation and awe from our friends who gather in our home. I just wanted to tell you this so you will know that your skill and talent lives on, in another country. We consider it our best and most beautiful work of art. Thank you for your Christmas calendar that we received in the mail today. May you and your family be blessed this New Year. Ellen, SD, USA
Boun gourno,
I just wanted to let you know that I did received my both paintings ... And they are simply perfect and beautiful ! I’m very happy. Thanks again for the follow up and happy new year !
Sophie , Quebec - Canada
I’ve just received your 2006 calendar which was a timely prompt to explore your web site and remind ourselves what a fabulous collection of paintings you have. We are still very much enjoying the Tuscan landscape we purchased when we visited your gallery in Montepulciano nearly 2 years ago and it always receives admiring comments from visitors. I would be very pleased if you could send me a price list please for your current collection. Adrian ,UK
Cari Signori,
Desideriamo ringraziarli moltissimo per i bellissimi 'Auguri di Natale e Capo d'Anno' che ci mandate ogni anno. Grazie molto per questa bellissima attenzione. Scuzate il mio Italiano difettoso. Distinti Saluti.
Famiglia Selvi. Belgio
My name is Chuck and I passed through Assisi a few years ago. I purchased a painting for my friend which is a priest. Unfortunately, I never bought anything for my self. I always admire his when I go to visit. I've been trying to get back to Italy but I have not had any luck. I would love if you could send me a price list of available pieces. I look forward to owning one someday. When I was in your shop, I believe it was your daughter who sold me the piece. I guess then she added me to your Christmas card list. I appreciate getting you card every year. Thank you
Chuck, NY, USA
Hi Massimo
Many,many thanks for the christmas calendar. We are always delighted to receive your cards. They demonstrate your outstanding talent and exceptional eye for detail and colour. We continue to enjoy your art work and take pleasure in looking at our own unique picture, which hangs in our sun room. We hope to return to Italy in the future and if we do we will certainly return to Montepulciano for our second purchase. If you intend a visit to the North East of England please let me know as I do have contacts in the local art galleries who would be interested to exhibit your work.
Best wishes to all your family.
Kath and Tim, UK
Everyone loves the painting and especially the originality of your work. Now that we have our two pieces hung we have to get some lighting to really make them shine. Thank you again and you will hear from me later with another order. Terri,USA
Since we purchased Maternita from your shop in Assisi back in 1998, we have enjoyed receiving your annual Christmas card. David, VA, USA
Hi Massimo:
Thank you very much for the 2006 calendar ( it's beautiful and ingenious ), and for remembering us each year at this time. It's been many years since we met you in your studio in Assisi. We feel it was "divine providence" that led us to your shop that hot day, and we're very fortunate to have purchased one piece of your wonderful work. It has hung in our foyer all this time, and has been admired by all our family and visitors. Now that we are retired, we plan to visit Italy again . We will certainly return to your studio and add another piece to our collection so that our original purchase may have a companion! Warmest regards for a blessed new year, and see you soon!
Bob and Sookhim, MA, USA
my name is Anna Steele, I and my husband did stumble into a small gallery in Stockholm in november. There we did se the most wonderful artwork in glass. I have been looking at your home page. And like I said it would be wonderful if we could find a way to get Icelanders to know your art. well all for now it's just to led you know that I'm still very much intrested to open a gallery I have to find a space. regards
Anna, Iceland
Dear sir, madame,
Thank you very much for your christmas greetings and the beautifull Calender. We wisch you all the best for the new year 2006! The Adress you used to send us a card was not completely correct. In the future we hope to order a painting again, so the adress is important for us. Kind regards,
Alan, Netherlands
Dear Lisa and Massimo, Sorry it took so long for this mail. Once again Massimo thank you for your beautiful art and thank you both for getting the painting to me before Christmas. My wife was unbelievably suprised and so happy with the painting.It truly looks wonderful in our home. Thank you Again and Happy New Year to you both. Hope to see you this year in Assisi ! Bob, FL USA
Hello Lisa, The painting arrived here just a couple of days ago. It's just as nice as we remembered it to be! Many thanks! Debbie, USA
Dear Massimo,
I just wanted to let you know that the artwork arrived safely. Thank you
so much. The package arrived even sooner than I expected! I greatly appreciate
it. Blessings & Light,
Sandra, PA USA
We wanted to let you know we received our painting and it is beautiful!!
Joy and Todd, FL USA
Dear Massimo,
After you and I exchanged initial emails during the last Christmas period,
last week my family and I visited your galleries in both Assisi and Montepulciano
and in both galleries we purchased one of your works. (Girasoli and Toscana).
I am now happy to report that both glass paintings made it safely to our
house in the Netherlands and now have a prominent place in our living
room giving it the warm Italian feeling and atmosphere we personally experienced
during our stay.
I was sorry that I did not meet you in Assisi but I spoke to your very
lovely daughter. I told her that whenever you need help or advice about
future exhibitions in the Netherlands or in my neighbouring countries
Belgium and Germany, please feel free to contact me.
Kindest regards from Holland.
Theo, Netherlands
Good Morning to all of you, and specialy Signore Massimo Gruciani,
Come va??
We will thank you for sending the photo of the Kadinsky. Its SPLENDIDO!!!!!!!!
We recieved the photo without damage, thank you. We gave it a nice place
in our house. Maybe we visit next year also ITALY, then we visit you again
in the gallery. We wishe you all the best and succes .
Many greetings from all of us,
Rene, Edith and our children, Evelien, Dominique ,
Victor and Oscar. HOLLAND
Dear Lisa,
Last Friday, we received already the painting. We were surprised of that
quickness. We can say, there was a slow start with you but a quick finish.I
can tell you every thing is okay and we are very happy with it.It's already
hanging at the wall of our sitting room. Now we see every day the nice
landscape of Umbria. Our children were also surprised and they like it
also. Also on behalf of my wife, many thanks and greetings from Holland,
Leo, Netherlands
I received my two pieces of artwork yesterday in perfect condition. They
are both beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing your talent and the ease
with which we can order directly from you.
Jan , WA USA
Many thanks for your simply delightful annual Christmas cards - so artistic
and creative and ones that can be used throughout the year.
We trust you keep in good health and are continuing creating your fantastic
works of art. The Cruciani glass painting acquired on our 4 month Italian
holiday in 1997 is a treasured possession and has 'pride of place' in
our home. It is much admired and so often commented on by visitors. They
are always so impressed with its quality and intrigued by whatever method
it is that you use to create such an art form.
Maybe we shall return to Italy in the near future and if so, we shall
certainly pay your gallery another visit.
Cheers from 'DownUnder'
Alan & Robyn, Australia
Thank you very much for the beautiful glass painting!!!! It arrived 12
April, it is just perfect and Bernhard and I are very happy with it! As
you can see on the photos it is the eye - catcher of our living room.
Greetings from Vienna,
Doris, Austria
Dear Mr. Cruciani,
I have always enjoyed receiving your Christmas cards each year, ever since
I purchased my first piece of you artwork. I hope this will continue,
now that I have moved. Wishing you continued success,
Richard, NJ - USA
Gent.mo Sig. Cruciani,
Oggi abbiamo ricevuto i quadri, sono bellissimi e ne siamo pienamente
soddisfatti! Eravamo comunque un po' preoccupati per la spedizione, ma
entrambi i quadri sono in perfette condizioni, ed effettivamente l'imballaggio
era notevole. Grazie per di tutto. Un cordiale saluto da Stoccolma,
Dear Massimo:
Your beautiful glass painting arrived last week in PERFECT condition.
Thank you. I have been out of town on business for a week but as soon
as it is installed I will send you a picture.. Again thank you and looking
forward to meeting you in 2007 when we return to Italy
Dear Massimo,
Ultima cena arrived today. It looks great. Thank you for a beautiful picture!
Our challenge now is to find the right place for it in our house -- but
that is sure a real pleasure.
André, Norway
My wife and I recently arrived back in Australia from our first trip
to Italy where we had the time of ours lives - fantastic food, beautiful
scenery, and great fun people. We visited your gallery and absolutely
loved your art. Your painting on glass was inspirational and beautiful.
I have always enjoyed drawing and painting, but I had never seen a technique
such as yours
I love your paintings and would equally love to see
this technique applied to Australian subjects. You have a wonderful gift
and I wish you all the best.
Glenn, Melbourne, Australia
Hi Massimo! We are a fan of your paintings and own two of them. We just
wanted to share with you that our 3 week old baby, Jace Alexander, absolutely
loves the poppy picture in our family room. He stares at it all the time.
Thank you for those moments of peace!
Janon, USA
Ho avuto modo insieme ad alcuni amici di apprezzare alcune Sue opere
per la prima volta la scorsa settimana. L'incontro con la sua arte devo
dire è stato del tutto casuale (come del resto spesso accade) tuttavia
vorrei innanzitutto esprimerle il pressoché unanime apprezzamento
che io ed i miei amici abbiamo avuto nell'ammirare alcune delle Sue opere.
La curiosità suscitata è stata tale, che abbiamo subito
visitato il Suo sito , che pure ci sembra ben organizzato e che ha rinforzato
il nostro interesse nei confronti della Sua arte. A questo punto abbiamo
dunque deciso di venire a visitare il Suo atelier in Assisi , splendida
cittadina a noi già nota (abitando a Roma abbiamo avuto modo in
diverse occasioni di visitare la splendida Umbria) e che volentieri vogliamo
tornare ad ammirare quanto prima.
Franco e Patrizio, Roma, Italy
Today we received the painting. And the verdict is.... WE LOVE IT!
Thanks for your assistanct in helping us select the one we wanted. We
will display it with joy in our home.
George and Betty , CA USA
Ciao Massimo:
Il quadro e' arrivato Sabato senza danni ,,,e favoloso!!!!
Mio moglie e mollto contenta e sia gia' pensando di un altro per nostra
villa qui a Naples.
Grazie. Sei un grande pittore e sono convinto che i tuoi lavori vendera'
bene qui a Naples, dove sono tante gente con soldi. Se posso auitarti,
mi fai sapere.
To mandero' una foto al piu' presto.
Caro saluti.
John , FL USA
Good morning, Massimo. The packages have arrived safely.
Your work is beautiful. We absolutely love the Assisi landscape with the
churches and San Damiano. It will be hanging in a very special place in
our home.
With deepest appreciation,
Don, USA
Mr. Cruciani,
Today we received our beautiful art piece, and it arrived in perfect
condition. Even the delivery person commented on how well it was boxed.
I have a question about hanging it. There is one small hook centered on
the top of the piece. Should it be hung from that? Is it strong enough?
It seems to be, but I have never seen anything like it. I will be hanging
it in a hallway, so I want to make sure it is very secure. Thank you so
much. It is even more beautiful now than when we first saw it.
Virginia, USA
Hi massimo, we received the painting the other day and it is absolutely
beautiful. We had a big christmas party on sunday and we were able to
show everyone the painting. Everyone loved it. Thank you so much for sharing
the gift you have. We wish you a blessed christmas and a happy healthy
new year.
Lucille, NY USA
Nei giorni scorsi è arrivato il quadro da me ordinato, sano e
salvo e in tutto il suo splendore! E' veramente splendido, complimenti!
Vi ringrazio ancora di tutto e colgo l'occasione per porgeVi i migliori
Auguri di Buon Natale e Felice 2006. A presto,
Laura , (PV), Italia
Dear Massimo
We wanted to let you know the paintings have arrived . They are beautiful
and compliment the original one very well. Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Adrienne and Simon, NJ USA
Egregio signor Cruciani, con la presente Le confermo che ieri ci è
arrivato finalmente il Suo splendido "Tetti con neve". Naturalmente
imballo perfetto, nessun danno, e come immaginavamo l'opera è magnifica.
Ci siamo fatti proprio un bel regalo di Natale!
Complimenti ancora per la Sua arte e tanti cari auguri di Buone Feste
a Lei e famiglia.
Cristina, Veneto, Italia
Dear Massimo: Your beautiful painting of the Umbrian countryside with
the poppies has arrived in Northern California. THANK YOU, Thank you,
Thank You!!! I am most appreciative of your kind thoughtfulness.
I hope that your family is well.
Should you ever come back to California, do let me know, as I would come
to San Diego to visit with you. OR if you want to come to the San Francisco
Bay Area, I am at a college about 25 miles east of San Francisco and we
have wonderful guest rooms available---no charge, I would love to have
you as my guest.
Just let me know.
Take care and again, thank you for the painting.
Stan, CA, USA
Ciao massimo...
Come vedi, arrivati a Roma, abbiamo mantenuto la promessa e siamo venuti
a fare un giro sul tuo sito...
Una volta viste le tue opere dal vivo e poi venire sul sito è,
per me, come andare nella Pinacoteca a Firenze e poi vedersi un documentario
in tv....
Certe cose vanno viste dal vivo per assaporarne il gusto e dare lustro
agli occhi...
Rivedendo la nostra stanza, nello spazio vuoto sopra la testiera del letto,
siamo sempre più convinti che la tua "Ultima Cena" darebbe
un colore ed un prestigio diverso e migliore a quella che oggi consideriamo
la nostra camera da letto...
E' un nostro sogno nonchè desiderio che chissà, in futuro,
ci si possa fare questo regalo.
Ti rinnovo i complimenti per il tuo lavoro, per l'originalità e
bellezza che esprimi nella pittura; lavoro, che porti in giro per il mondo
dando onore al nostro paese... La tua pittura è un tassello in
più di un complesso mosaico che è L'arte Italiana.
PS: grazie della cartina che ci ha fatto trovare il ristorante "Ai
Monaci" che ci hai consigliato... è andato tutto benissimo...a
Maurizio, Roma
We travelled to Assisi in 2000 and purchased "Tetti Neve" 1999.
It looks beautiful in our home and we enjoy it immensely. Wanted to thank
you for the holiday greetings which we receive. We look forward to receiving
it each year. Would love to return to Assisi and purchase another painting.
Best wishes.
Don & Michalene , MO - USA
The artwork was delivered today and we spent the afternoon finding and
hanging it in the "perfect spot" . . . it looks beautiful and
we are so pleased to have such a wonderful reminder of our trip to Italy
. . . Thank you! Ciao for now . . .
Gary & Susan, USA
We have now returned to the United States after having spent a wonderful
time in Assisi and Rome. Your community of Assisi was our favorite place
on our recent trip to Italy, and we look forward to someday returning.
Your picture made it safely home with us and will hang in out new home
in northern Wisconsin. The town we live in is about 200 miles north of
We feel fortunate to have found you and your shop in Assisi. You have
a truly unique style, and we will enjoy your painting for many years to
Dennis, USA
Buongiorno, ieri abbiamo ricevuto il quadro, è bellissimo!!!!!!!
Vorremmo ringraziarla per la tempestivita' e la cortesia.
Paola e Luciano, Milano, Italia
Dear Lisa and Massimo Cruciani, We got the picture. It is beautiful and
it arrived in great condition. It is the focal point in our room. Thanks
so much. We will remember our wonderful trip to Italy ever time we look
at this painting. We wish you well.
Ike and Barbara, TX USA
I received the new painting this morning. It is beautiful!
Three of my friends who traveled with us in Italy have received their
paintings and all of them are very pleased. I am so glad I took everyone
into your store the day we explored Assisi.
Patty and Bruce, Idaho USA
Hi all,
The painting arrived yesterday in perfect condition. We love it, and it
will be a reminder of you wonderful time in Assissi.
Regards to everyone.
Dennis and LaVerne, IN USA
Ciao Massimo-
My beautiful painting came and I hung it today! Thank you so much. I really
do love it.
Please keep in touch!
Jen, USA Nov 06
Thankyou.The painting has arrived safely & looks tremendous. Worth
waiting for.
Best wishes.
George,USA Nov.06
Dear Mr. Gruciani,
We reveived your painting last week Friday in a perfect condition.
It got a nice place in our living room ,and we are very glad that we have
bought it.
Ciao da Den Haag,Ollanda
Joost F. Nov 06
We received our painting today. We love it; it's beautiful! And, we really
appreciate that you included the message on the back, which will provide
added memories for years (and generations) to come. Happy holidays!
Tim and Janet, MN USA
We just received the two paintings that we purchased in Gubbio in September
and they came in excellent condition. Everyone loved them. Might want
to purchase one of the rooftop paintings in the future.
Susan, Maryland USA
Hello Massimo and Lisa, I wanted to let you know that I received the
painting last evening...it is perfect. Beautifully done with an excellent
frame. I appreciate the effort that it must have taken to get this to
me prior to the holiday. Thanks for everthing, Have a wonderful Christmas,
Hope to see you next time we are in Assisi,
Mike, PA USA
It has arrived! Many thanks. Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year
to you.
Chris and Sue , UK
Hi Lisa,
It arrived last evening!! Oh what a Christmas present. We uncrated it
and hung it right away. It looks wonderful! All the wonderful memories
of Assisi are wrapped up in that one piece of art for us.
Thank-you and your father for letting us take this into our home.
Merry Christmas, I hope our paths cross again.
Chuck & Judy, Minnesota, USA
Arrived today in perfect condition. What a beautiful addition to our
home. Thank you & Merry Christmas.
Doreen & Bruce, FL USA
Just to confirm, I received the painting yesterday.
Thank you so much for doing this for me so quickly - it is lovely and
my brother-in-law is very happy (even though it is a present for his 40th
We all hope you have a wonderful and peaceful New Year.
Best wishes
Elizabeth, Channel Islands, UK